The Scheme helps to prevent homelessness by providing:
The Scheme helps people who are homeless, or in housing need, to help themselves. Without a permanent address, it is almost impossible to get a job and is impossible to set up a bank account and without a job or bank account it’s almost impossible to get a permanent address.
Over our nearly 25 years in operation we’ve helped hundreds of people break out of the vicious circle of homelessness. Click here to see a few of our real life cases.
Funding for This Year (2024-25)
We would like to thank those who are funding us this year:
The Guinness Partnership
The Guinness Partnership Ltd has set aside £28,000 for our guarantees.
Buckinghamshire Council
Buckinghamshire Council has paid us a grant which covers most of the costs of employing two full-time members of staff
The National Lottery Community fund
On top of these grants, we are grateful for individual donations received and would ask for your help with further donations to meet our ongoing costs. Please see our Donations page for information on how to do this.
Also, If you are doing any online Christmas shopping, please remember to register with Amazon Smiles and Give As You Live via our Donations page. This will enable us to get commission on your purchases at no extra cost to you.
Please see our Landlord’s Leaflet and call/contact our Operations Manager to discuss.